Monday 13 June 2011

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Awake: 6:12am   K & I sneaked out of our room & let Katrina sleep; it's not that Katrina sleeps long, she mostly stays out or up longer than we do.

We had a light breakfast & talked or/and saw many people from the wedding party who are leaving for home or going sight seeing in Chicago.

The wedding party is not over yet; we have an invitation & it goes like this: After the "I do's" have been said - once Katie & Zack are happily wed - drop by for lunch to let them know - you wish then well before they go! BBQ 11:11am @ Chuck & Ruth's home.

But before I go to the B-B-Q, I had to return my tux to the Mens Wearhouse in Wheaton, IL. Fortunately, my brother Don came to the rescue & drove me & the Tux to its proper owners. Back @ the Hyatt, we were running a little late for the B-B-Q, but 1st, look up in the sky, it's a bird,'s a plane, no...what or who is that? DSC000865.JPG If that scene was too difficult to see, I'll get my (10) power binoculars working. Now then, is that a little better? Why, that's the Foote family. DSC000866.JPG              Now we are at Ruth & Chuck's home, in the back yard; family & friends. DSC000867.JPG More family & friends. Lots of conversations, stories, jokes,& some politics; and from the kitchen, the girls & guys keep bringing out the delicious homemade food that one cannot refuse. DSC000868.JPG        Hey look: Momoko & Gregory are pointing at Chuck & Zack. What are they doing?DSC000869.JPG Why they are putting up the trampoline.something for everyone at the Ruth & Chuck estate. DSC000870.JPG Another beautiful day for us to continue celebrating with Katie & Zack. We thanked them & Ruth & Chuck plus Denis for such good goodies, libation, etc. Another great day. Back at the Hyatt & mid evening, I asked Kathy, Corinne & Katrina to pack their suitcases as best they could tonight so we could get an early start tomorrow. We wanted to beat the early rush hour.
Lights out: sometime around 9:30pm.

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