Saturday 7 May 2011

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Awake: 6:29am    Temp 42     sleep  6+11     sunny     late rain      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, we toured KK members: Bill, Al, & John through our house.

After breakfast, we had a distinguished visitor from Chicago, Ernie, who was a classmate in grammar school & high school. We sat around in our motorhome & updated each other for a good (2) hrs.

We planned on meeting @ the Nicktown Bar this evening so Ernie & I were both looking forward to that small reunion as well.

Melissa called & reported that the boys all have the sniffles; we will probably visit them tomorrow anyway.

Just before we attended 6:00pm vigil Mass, a heavy downpour of rain moved into the area; but then stopped & out came the sunshine we didn't need our umbrellas after all.

After Mass, we assembled @ the Nicktown Bar; Barry came early & held the big table for our get together. Our small crowd: Barry, Bonnie, Ernie, Theresa, visitor Joe & his sister Anna Marie + Kathy & me. We had a good time & Joe really told some good stories of yesteryear.

Back in our M. H., we watched the movie: "Doubting Thomas" with Will Rogers, Billie Burke, Alison Skipworth, Sterling Holloway, Andrew Tombes, etc. Rogers is at his best dealing with a variety of eccentric and pompous characters when his stage-struck wife Burke joins an amateur theatrical troupe. 1935. Having Will Rogers in this story made a nice difference.

Lights out: 12:48am.        

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 12, 2011 10:08 PM.

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