Wednesday 13 April 2011

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Awake: 6:56am      Temp 43        sleep 6+28      light rain      overnight @ Nicktown.

At our KK meeting this morning, Kathy enjoyed a nice "welcome back" by the members.

Back in our M.H., we called our good friends, Gary & Rosemary. Kathy did most of the talking as she gave them the scoop on both the Chicago & Seattle bridle showers & on our Seattle grandchildren.

After our phone call, Kathy was somewhat mystified that her Apple computer wasn't working. "It worked just fine in Chicago & Seattle but it wasn't working here," she explained. She did say that Nick had spent some time with it but aside from changing something over to G mail, she knows of nothing else. I didn't really focus on her Apple since she had figured out a lot of glitches since getting her Apple book.

Finally my Tax return showed up. Our new address is not well known yet so it confused the FDX guy by a day. DSC000648.JPG After the construction team had left for the day, K & I visited the house & looked for progress change: here is some of the molding waiting to be painted & then put up. DSC000649.JPG                   The Extreme blowers/dryers are ready to dry & warm those hands. DSC000650.JPG                            And most of the windows have the molding finished. DSC000651.JPG Dinner: split pea soup, turkey loaf with gravy & 4-bean salad, olives & Como toast.

Melissa called: she wanted Kathy to tell her all about the activity after they left...every single day....& by golly, she did a darn good job of explaining the days with detail.

Lights out: 11:20pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 15, 2011 8:24 PM.

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