Thursday 21 April 2011

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Awake: 6:19am     Temp 39      sleep 6+56      partly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, K & I visited Bernie & Kathy discussed some of the tile to be laid by Chuck in the near future.

I brought up the subject of moving the outside water tank, only (1) electrical meter, etc. Bernie told me he is ready for these changes.

After breakfast, I motored to Ebensburg & visited Natcher's equipment & his method of attack. He told me he would pick a day next week to come down & look things over.

Then I drove over to Scanlan Electric & borrowed some of their Residential Lighting Control Catalogs. DSC000672.JPG When I returned to Nicktown, Kathy was ready for Chuck (the tile guy) to arrive & help us out with the bathrooms, showers, etc. We made some good progress as Chuck spent an hr with us altogether. DSC000671.JPG Dinner: Stuffed peppers & Como toast.

Mid evening, Katrina called on her way home from Costco; we talked for (40) some minutes...mostly about her being ill upon her return from Seattle, some of her friends, her church & her Easter plans.

Next call: Mark Brumbaugh & Marcia; now in Ohio but could be heading this way en route to Vermont. We invited them to stop & pay us a visit if they could. We haven't seen these guys since 2005.

Next call was from Melissa who wanted to know if Denise had called us; she hadn't. Denise & Mike (Matthew's godparents) are traveling from FL to MI & plan to visit the Footes & us tomorrow.

Nathan & Kevin are doing better with their asthma now that they're on the right meds.

Late evening: we watched (10) mins more of "Gallipoli."

Lights out: 11:58pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 23, 2011 4:26 PM.

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