Saturday 23 April 2011

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Awake: 6:58am      Temp 46       sleep 6+22       mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After we had our morning coffee, Kathy & I waited for a knock on our door as Mike & Denise suggested last night. Sure enough, about 8:15am, M & D were ready to get some breakfast.

In our Suzuki, we all motored to Spangler, taking a side brick road thru the area we called, "Kirsch Town" where I was born & raised. I pointed out our old homestead that a young 1st cousin bought & has renovated; not only the home but the grounds & landscape. (5) of my dad's brothers lived within ΒΌ mile in Kirsch Town so there were plenty of cousins to play & hang out with during our teenage years.

Our breakfast @ Rolands was delicious & the owner, Roland, the sculptor of metal art, entertained us by describing some of his very heavy metal sculptures ....especially the (400) lb bear right next to our breakfast table.

Back on our property, we gave D & M a tour of our house; then they give us a tour of their brand new Northern Lite slide in camper. Yes, it's a little tight in there, but they have a queen sized bed, a (3) burner propane stove, propane refrigerator/freezer, propane heater, bathroom with a "wet" shower & it's very well constructed....having been made in Canada. DSC000674.JPG             Mike says his Dodge Diesel truck has no problem carrying the camper. DSC000675.JPG Then we said our goodbyes & bon voyage; we wish they could have stayed longer but maybe next time.                                      They left @ 11:40am. DSC000676.JPG Mid afternoon, I called John B. who has not been seen in church or @ the KK meeting for about (5) days. He's alive & getting well after catching a horrific cold.

Dinner: leftover beef stew with grapes & Como toast.

Late evening, we attended the 9:00pm Easter vigil Mass which lasted nearly (2) hrs.

Lights out: 1:04 am.

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