Monday 18 April 2011

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Awake: 6:00am       Temp 36       sleep 6+11      mostly cloudy       overnight @ Nicktown.

Early this morning, I had an e-mail from Nick that a computer failed & he is working on a fix that may have caused our problem.

After our coffee, we made a quick visit to ask Bernie some questions & then motored to Spangler. We talked with Lloyd about the Ford van, & then I drove the van & Kathy drove the Suzuki both of us heading for Barnesboro & Al's Tire Service.

An almost leak on the top of the radiator was my concern & the passenger side front brake should be looked at. The van will be there for a few days.

Back in our M.H., we had our breakfast & then motored to the town of Freeport, about (58) miles from Nicktown where we again visited Blume's. Michelle has been working with us since the last visit. Blume's have an inside showroom, DSC000665.JPG                                                 And outside displays. DSC000666.JPG                                      Plus outside remnant displays. DSC000667.JPG               Kathy made a decision on the granite for the kitchen counter, Bross Blue. DSC000664.JPG
 and considered some possible choices for other counters. Michelle copied some figures down with Kathy closely watching & then we returned to Nicktown.

Our pure water tank was getting low so I did my water works & topped off the tank.

Back in our M. H., I had another e-mail from Nick posted @ 1:43pm: "Dad, I may have fixed your blog. Please see if you can create a new entry and let me know how it goes."

Well, it worked like a charm. I thanked him profusely.

Dinner: power burger, with sauteed onions, fresh broccoli,4-bean salad & Como toast.

Mid evening, we had a long talk with Gary & Rosemary..... mostly about plans for Zack & Katie's wedding.

Lights out: 11:47pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 21, 2011 9:32 AM.

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