Wednesday 9 March 2011

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Awake: 5:44am      Temp 27     sleep 6+55    rain....later small hail with snow   overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I motored to Carrolltown where Kathy had some blood work done & then we returned to Nicktown to attend the 8:00 am Ash Wednesday Mass & ash distribution.

Afterward, we ate breakfast & then motored to Indiana, PA & spent over an hr @ the Lentz Kitchen & Bath on Water Street. Scott was very helpful & has (17) yrs of experience working with granite for kitchens, tile for bathrooms, sink faucets, etc. DSC000524.JPG From here, we motored across town & spent over an hr @ the Goodwill thrift store where Kathy & I searched for suitable shoes for her travels in April.

Next, we visited the Foote Castle & did a terrific job of baby sitting the (4) boys while pregnant Melissa had an ultrasound @ the doctors's office. The boys haven't seen me for awhile so the 1st thing they asked me to do was to read them a book. DSC000525.JPG After Kathy served them their lunch, we all went up to the 3rd floor where the action with Legos is on-going. Kathy & I, as gofers, did our best trying to keep up with the demands for certain parts, mostly small & difficult to find. Here is Kathy with Nathan. DSC000526.JPG                    And here is a small collection of the miniatures they put together. DSC000527.JPG Attention please: I could use a little better lighting system to find these tiny parts. DSC000528.JPG Matthew made this truck especially for Gregory who keeps himself busy by pushing a lot of the cars & trucks around the room while making motor noises. DSC000529.JPG                                 Here is Matthew's special submarine. DSC000530.JPG We are very impressed with how well the boys work with each other & enjoy what they are making. Here is Matthew helping Andrew after my big foot knocked Andrew's house down. Nobody got angry or yelled; they just got back to the business of re-building. DSC000531.JPG When Melissa returned, she reported: all is well. It was a pleasure seeing the boys again & spending some time with them.

Back on our property, we headed right into our house to see the progress on laying the tubing on the main floor wings. Here is the hallway leading to the North wing. Hey, who is that sneaking a peek? DSC000532.JPG                               This is one of the bedrooms in the North wing. DSC000553.JPG Next, we motored to Spangler & had a fish dinner @ the Contres-Greer Social Hall where we enjoyed eating & talking with some Nicktown people from our neighborhood.

Lights out: 11:13pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 13, 2011 1:41 PM.

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