Wednesday 2 March 2011

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Awake: 5:55am Temp 23 sleep 5+53 sunny overnight @ Nicktown. This morning we visited the house before breakfast; just our curiosity about the slight changes for the fireplaces. DSC000507.JPG Later, Kathy motored to the Dentist in Barnesboro; the fix for her broken tooth was no fix. The tooth broke off of a porcelain filling &, short of making a new crown, nothing needed to be done since Kathy had no pain & the filling was intact.

After looking @ the forecasted weather, & after my breakfast, I decided to bring more water into our pure water tank so Kathy can do a load of laundry. Along with the laundry project, Kathy started to give our motorhome a good cleaning & vacuuming the event Charlie's gang wanted to tour our M.H also. I tried to dissuade her on that idea but she was determined.

Charlie, Lorraine, John, Dave, Donna & Tyler all arrived within the appointed time frame. Unfortunately, the workers are still in the stage of smoothing the wallboard both upstairs & downstairs, so the dust was plentiful. This room had the least dust & the most charming people. DSC000508.JPG                  Without clocking the time, I believe the house tour lasted over an hr.

Next, Kathy was right....they also wanted a tour of our M.H. That took about (25) min.

Then, we all motored to the Blue Goose restaurant for food & drink. K & I each had a cod fish sandwich...which was good; the others also enjoyed large portions of the various foods ordered. We had a lot to talk about on many issues & really enjoyed seeing them again.


Lights out: 11:29pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 5, 2011 12:22 PM.

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