Tuesday 22 March 2011

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Awake: 7:34am    Temp 41      sleep 7+23       cloudy       overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, we visited Bernie to let him know that he can call for the entry door, & the inside doors.

Then we both motored to Barnesboro in separate vehicles; Kathy in the Suzuki & me in the Ford Van. Al's Tire service will inspect the van & let me know when I can pick it up next week. Kathy is returning some earlier purchases & still looking for comfortable shoes.

Back in our M.H., Florentz & I talked about when to bring his truck over to our house loaded with the 225 gal container; the geothermal guys are counting on finishing the main floor tomorrow. We agreed to a 4:00pm time frame. Later, Flossie showed up with his truck & container loaded with pure water; DSC000587.JPG then I drove him back to his home.

Kathy's new angel, Carol, visited & the girls spent over an hr carefully studying the wall colors vs. colors in the Sherwin Williams color selector for the rooms painted in our house. Dinner: Beef stew with noodles.

Lights out: 11:22pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 26, 2011 1:51 PM.

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