Thursday 17 March 2011

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Awake: 6:18am     Temp 36     sleep 6+45     sunny     high of 60   overnight @ Nicktown.

During our breakfast, the M & M guys drove into our circular driveway. They are with the company that will be pouring the Gyp-Crete on the main floor either tomorrow or Monday. DSC000558.JPG Then we visited Bernie & asked him about crown molding, doors & window framing, & other molding. He gave us some ideas & then we motored to the town of Cherry Tree, PA (35) min drive & visited the Scalese Millworks Factory to begin picking out baseboard molding, DSC000559.JPG                                 or crown molding, etc... for our house. DSC000560.JPG                      Paula, the sales lady, was very good at what she does.

When we returned to our M.H., we again visited our house & we found out that the pressurized Pex-tubing passed the inspectors air test which allowed the M & M guys to get the OK for pouring the Gyp-Crete tomorrow. DSC000561.JPG Bernie & his team got right into cleaning up any dust or debris that might be laying around. DSC000562.JPG Back @ our M.H., I used a checkless check to pay for our electrical usage from Penelec.

Dinner: Clam chowder with Como toast. It's easy, fast, healthy & tastes great.

Lights out: 11:08pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 22, 2011 10:49 AM.

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