Sunday 13 March 2011

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Awake: 7:17am      Temp 32      sleep 6+24      cloudy      overnight @ Nicktown.

We stayed up late & slept in this morning. We are seeing a lot of mini movies from Japan of the damage & mass destruction from the Tsunami. Unbelievable! It is so sad.

We watched & watched as these mini movies caught the destructive & powerful (30) ft wave speeding across the land, thru towns, cities, etc .....relentless. We were both somewhat hypnotized!

Mid afternoon, we had to do something else; Kathy was thinking of who she could contact to help her in deciding colors for the house....since I was of little help. She decided on a young woman who for years ran a flower shop here in Nicktown. The call was successful; the lady was available & she showed up within (15) min. Before I knew it, Kathy had Carol & me down in the basement spinning that color chart. DSC000546.JPG Carol was like an angel; what we didn't know was: she demonstrated & sold interior decorations for (19) years & really knew her stuff. We were both so thankful that she had the time off & is really interested in this challenge. Whew! That takes a lot of sleeplessness out of Kathy's nights. DSC000547.JPG Dinner: Mini skillet meat loaf, fried noodles & a salad.

We started watching the movie: "One Way Passage" which unknown to us, was recorded during a rain storm & so the last 1/3rd of this romantic story was unwatchable. Dang it!

Lights out: 11:42pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 18, 2011 2:12 PM.

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