Saturday 5 March 2011

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Awake: 5:55am        Temp 39        sleep 5+24        rain overnight       @ Nicktown.

My buddy Charlie joined us in church for Mass this morning &, afterward, both he & Florentz came over to our KK in the social room & helped celebrated Dave's 77th birthday. Back in our M.H., Nick Skyped us for (1) hr & (6) min. He & Jerry were early birds this morning, DSC000511.JPG           so we had close to (45) min until Momoko woke up with smiles along with Eriko. DSC000512.JPG    Here are some great shots of their anticipated renovated home. 1st, as it stands today. DSC000513.JPG                             Then after the repair & improvements take place. DSC000514.JPG Mid afternoon, I continued going through some more tax papers & spent some time on my Dell computer.

Then K & I attended 6:00pm vigil Mass &, afterward, Theresa, John, Kathy & I had a small pizza (very delicious) with our beer. It was a good evening to just sit at the bar & talk with the other folks doing about the same thing we have been doing. John knows a lot of people around town & in the outskirts & has introduced us to many; we are enjoying widening our acquaintances.

Back in our M.H., we finished the movie: "Star" with Bette Davis, Sterling Hayden, Natalie Wood, Warner Anderson, etc. An Oscar-winning actress tries to deal with the fact that her career is over, her money is gone, and she must find some way to put her life together. Modest film, shot on locations all around L.A., has many moments of truth (and a typically compelling performance by Davis) to make up for its excesses. 1952. Interesting story.

Lights out: 11:56pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 10, 2011 1:57 PM.

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