Monday 28 February 2011

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Awake: 6:20am    Temp 51    sleep 5+31    TRW's-waves of heavy rain  overnight @ Nicktown.

After our breakfast, we visited builder Bernie & I made a change on the basement fireplace in my favor; then Kathy & Bernie worked out some measurements for a hung TV above the fireplace in the main floor hex.

Due to heavy rain & wind, we stayed indoors until 4:20pm, & then we motored to Loretto, PA, where Kathy got a haircut from Rob, a stylist.

This is the 1st time Kathy had somebody else cut her hair since 2005. Her Nicktown pals highly recommended Rob; could this be the end to my masterful hair cutting days?

The start of the process & perhaps the downfall of the most honorable & scariest job I've ever had? DSC000499.JPG                    After a thorough hair washing....Rob starts the combing process. DSC000500.JPG I was watching every move Rob I could prove to Kathy: I can do this styling too! DSC000501.JPG                      Oh, I get it! The layering is doubly the hair lays better. DSC000502.JPG           Oh my gosh! Her haircut is looking good; what if I can't keep up with this guy? DSC000503.JPG Wow! unbelievable!! I am doomed. He did all of this within 20 min. I'll need more practice. DSC000504.JPG When the show was over, we patronized Wal-Mart for some needed groceries, & then returned to Nicktown.

Dinner: Kathy's split pea soup, Rubin sandwich & chips.

We finished the movie: "The Mortal Storm" with Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart, Robert Young, Frank Morgan, Robert Stack, etc. Nazi takeover in Germany splits family, ruins life of father, professor Morgan; Stewart tries to leave country with professor's daughter (Sullavan). 1940. Another great story.

Lights out: 11:26pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 4, 2011 3:10 PM.

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