Friday 11 March 2011

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Awake: 5:55am       Temp 27      sleep 6+22      snow/rain mix      overnight @ Nicktown.

We skipped the KK meeting this morning & motored to the town of Everett, (78) miles one way, & arrived @ the B. C. Stone Inc. factory @ 10:02 am. DSC000535.JPG We are here to peruse & possibly select a slab of granite for our kitchen counter. After making a copy of the exact dimensions of the counter, including cutouts for sinks, & cook top which Jill had sent us, DSC000536.JPG Sean the sales man, led us into a large attached building. There we found many choices (about 50) of granite slabs to choose from. Sean brought a light along that helped us see the patterns a little better as the light in the room was not very good. DSC000537.JPG These slabs of granite come from all over the world: Brazil, India Africa, Italy, Russia, etc. They have names such as on this slab....but what does it mean? DSC000538.JPG We actually walked the display area twice to make sure the slab (s) Kathy selected were ones she really wanted to consider. Sean gave us actual pieces of the granite we were considering & will work up quotes for them. DSC000539.JPG Before we left the grounds, we toured the outside slab remnants in the back & side of the building. DSC000540.JPG                              Next we traveled to downtown Everett, DSC000541.JPG ...& explored a little, deciding to visit the famous renovated Union Hotel, (Circa 1802). DSC000542.JPG After getting permission to do a self tour, we took advantage of roaming around between meal time with little activity. Feast your eyes on this recreated bathroom, most likely done by the B.C. Company Stone works. DSC000543.JPG The lower bar has (12) different beers on tap. Too bad we are a little early for the sampling. DSC000544.JPG When returning to Nicktown, we went straight to the house & checked on today's progress: our master bedroom now has the tubing stapled down for Geothermal and thru the hallway to the closets, shower, & tub. I'm only showing the passing of the closets & leading to the corner tub to illustrate the bending & curves these guys do. DSC000545.JPG Only the hex still needs the geothermal tubing.

Dinner: New England clam chowder with Como toast & a spinach salad with Mandarin orange slices.

Late move: "Deep Valley." We watched ½.

Lights out: 11:57 pm.

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