Wednesday 23 February 2011

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Awake: 6:08am      Temp 8      sleep 6+16      cloudy       overnight @ Nicktown.

After breakfast, Kathy left to join her bowling buddies. Meanwhile, I epoxyed the soles of the shoes that I purchased a few weeks ago from the thrift store. The continuous snow, rain, mud, etc, was playing havoc with the booties, so I switched over to these Nike Airs. It takes longer to climb in & out of them, but having the soles fixed, they feel more rugged now. DSC000485.JPG Just last night, Kathy's heating pad quit working. She misses it dearly so using my Fluke Meter; I found the problem but could not make the repair due to the screws used on the control. I have no screw driver that can match this pattern. DSC000486.JPG I visited the house & checked the basement floor with my Infrared thermometer (Fluke); DSC000487.JPG ...with the temp set for (70) degrees on the Geo-thermo, all across the floor, the fluke was reading 70-72-71-69, etc. I like it! Outside temp: mid teens.

Kathy returned around 2:45pm, having had a fun time & averaging 133 for 3 games.

Dinner: stuffed peppers, grapes, & toast.

Late evening, we called Melissa; all is well.

Lights out: 11:29pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 27, 2011 8:01 AM.

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