Wednesday 16 February 2011

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Awake: 6:34am       Temp 38      sleep 6+47       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

We skipped the KK meeting this morning to meet with Dean in regards to learning more about security systems, indoor & outdoor cameras, motion sensors, stairway lighting systems, intercom & music installations, etc.

Dean walked through the house, main & basement floors & around the outside; taking notes of what we might be interested in. There are a few items that I didn't understand when we talked so we intend to rendezvous again soon.

Later, we made a visit to 84-Lumber & picked up our color options for our entry door. On the way home, we stopped @ Wal-Mart & West End Market for groceries. Before entering our motorhome, we visited our house to see today's progress. Our plaster guy, Walt, was the only one still another room.  DSC000467.JPG Dinner: New England clam chowder with toast.

After dinner, Katrina called us & we talked about her esophageal reflux symptoms & treatment. She has an appointment with the Dr. on Friday evening.

Late evening movie: "Come Live with Me." We watched about (30) min.

Lights out: 11:12pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 20, 2011 1:54 PM.

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