Saturday 5 February 2011

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Awake: 6:15am      Temp 25       sleep 5+10      overcast      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our breakfast, we motored to Indiana, PA & did some grocery shopping @ Wal-Mart. Then we spent the next (4.5) hrs with the Foote family. We haven't seen the Footes for a few weeks; when they returned from the "walk for life" in D.C., the boys & Melissa caught the sniffles & I, for one, wanted to keep my distance.

Well today, they were all fine & dandy. One of my honorable positions I accepted was to be a "gofer" for both Andrew & Matthew on the 3rd floor; as many of you already know, a gofer runs to get something for somebody. Well, my fingers were running into (6) trays of logos (thousands in each tray) DSC000439.JPG searching for a part to continue making an airplane, a castle, or whatever. At first I thought: I can't do this! I don't have the patience. Then I took it on as a challenge. Later, to find the exact part that Matthew or Andrew needed was kind of exciting & that was the payoff. I'm ready to go & be a gofer again.

Downstairs in the main floor play room, Andrew (5) yrs old, was reading a book to me & all of a sudden, we had some curiosity visitors. DSC000440.JPG It was a fun visit. Next we attended 6:00 pm vigil Mass in Nicktown & afterward, John, Kathy & I enjoyed a small pizza with beer @ the Nicktown Bar.

Back @ our motorhome, we watched ½ of the movie: "Grease."

Lights out: 12:25am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 10, 2011 6:53 PM.

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