Saturday 12 February 2011

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Awake: 5:53am Temp 17 sleep 6+11 snow flurries overnight @ Nicktown. Shortly after breakfast, Nick Skyped us for (1) hr, 27 min. He had a lot to "show & tell" us about his latest house plans. DSC000460.JPG Without going into a complicated architectural spiel of their structural changes, we both liked what we saw & heard when he led us around from room to room using a copy of his purposed house print plans.                            The main floor. DSC000461.JPG                                       Then the north & the east elevations. DSC000462.JPG They are excited to have their home renovated & we are excited to have a home without wheels & to hopefully also keep our wheels.

Next, my sister, Mary Jo, called from CA. I talked only for a short time because I was in the mist of an outside job that I didn't want to cease for the moment. Kathy took over for me & gave me the details later.

Mary Jo is delighted to be a grandma & will be babysitting for little Matthew tomorrow so his parents can go out to dinner for Valentine's Day. She related that she was able to get the time off from work & that she & Ed & Jen are planning on attending Zach & Katie's wedding in June.

Later, my sister Corinne called from Pittsburgh; we updated each other on: "what's been happening." My sister is a different person (since she has moved to Pittsburgh) and a much better person I might add. She is very busy & the people she is working her.

Dinner: Kathy made us another Rubin Sandwich.

Later we attended 6:00pm vigil Mass & afterward, John, K & I went to the Nicktown bar & we each enjoyed our favorite beers...& the many people we ran into.

Lights out: 12:08am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 17, 2011 8:06 PM.

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