Monday 21 February 2011

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Awake: 6:13am     Temp 31     sleep 6+01     short session of snow/rain mix      overnight @ Nicktown.
After our KK meeting, we visited Bernie to give him our decisions. He was happy to proceed on the projects @ hand. From here, we motored to Barnesboro & exercised for (1.3) hrs.

                Here is some of the exercise equipment @ the X-Treme Fitness Center. DSC000477.JPG          A lot of new Nautilus machines & other great elliptical & treadmills are available. DSC000478.JPG                               Look closely & you can see Kathy riding a bike.  DSC000479.JPG Back in our M.H., we had a late breakfast & then motored to Ebensburg & spent about (40) min talking with Dean about security, music, cameras, etc. in our house. DSC000480.JPG As we returned to our M.H., light snow flurries started; those flurries turned unto heavy snowflakes & they continued throughout the night.

Dinner: Mushroom Ragout, with Waldorf salad & toast.

Lights out: 11:50pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 23, 2011 7:19 PM.

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