Friday 25 February 2011

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Awake: 6:18am      Temp 35      sleep 6+54      rain-snow-temp falling     overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy attended the KK meeting & afterward joined (3) other women at the hall, where they cracked eggs for noodle making for the Nicktown picnic. I went straight to the house & met with Dean & Chris; DSC000491.JPG we discussed the high tech stuff that Chris will be installing to, hopefully, help our house be guarded & watched by cameras & notified if someone would try & break in, etc. I also made some decisions on where to place the speakers for music in the rooms & the placement for the cameras, intercom, sensors, etc. DSC000492.JPG Back in our M.H., Brian, the well drilling guy, called & wanted to figure out how to charge me for the work the well drillers did. I told him that Bernie & I discussed this & suggested that he charge me just for the work he did on the wells & Bernie will charge me for the work the Cunningham boys did with their bull dozer & excavator. He seemed agreeable to that plan.

Kathy returned; she told me she cracked 20 dozen eggs of the 60 dozen eggs they cracked in all. After hearing that, I decided to top off the M.H.'s pure water tank before the freeze tonight.

Next, Bernie called us & wanted to know if we had gotten the specs for hanging a TV above a fireplace; we walked over & gave him the numbers.

Dinner: We motored to Spangler & had a fish dinner @ the Contres-Greer Hall tonight. It tasted pretty good so we might do this again.

Evening movie: "The Coal Miners Daughter." We watched ½.

Lights out: 11:27pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 28, 2011 12:58 PM.

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