Wednesday 19 January 2011

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Awake: 5:45am      Temp 37      sleep 6+14      rain/snow mix      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting & breakfast, Kathy got picked up & joined her bowling gals in Indiana. Meanwhile, my 1st cousin Florentz visited to have a tour of our house progress.

                  About the same time, the UPS driver backed into our circular drive..... DSC000385.JPG .......with a large box; it was our (2) kitchen sinks that Kathy ordered last week. So we walked over to the house with the UPS guy & Bernie opened the big box to find everything in good shape.

Then I toured Florentz on the main & basement floors. We invited Florentz for dinner tonight but he wanted to get a few things done this afternoon so he will be back later. Meanwhile, I called my brother & we gabbed for a spell. We are trying to rendezvous sometime soon. He was also curious about our house progress.

Later, Bernie came by & brought some papers regarding prices for the high-tech electronic items we may consider having. He also told me that 84-Lumber would be arriving tomorrow to start the insulation process.

Kathy arrived a few min later with a cheery smile; her bowling was improved she told me.

Later, Florentz arrived for dinner & we started with a little wine & led up to a wonderful Chili Mac dinner, with a lot of good talk & laughs along the way.

Afterward, K & I watched our usual political programs.

Lights out: 11:42pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 21, 2011 10:53 AM.

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