Tuesday 28 December 2010

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Awake: 7:20am     Temp 18     sleep 6+59     overcast & windy      overnight @ Nicktown.

I was scheduled for a dentist appointment this afternoon but really didn't want to do it now that our kids are in town (so to speak); I would rather reschedule for another week. Being a little shy to make the call I asked Nurse Kathy to pinch hit for me; it was no big deal, the receptionist simply scheduled me for next week.

Then I talked with builder Bernie to let him know that our metal door is ready for pick up @ Lowe's. He was happy to hear that.

Kathy called Melissa & she related the latest scary ER visit; it appeared that Nathan was jumping up & down on the living room sofa & something went wrong with his landing & he took a big bite out of his tongue. The doctor didn't want to do any stitching but poor Nathan was in pain. Kathy asked Melissa if they were going to join the Don & Josie gathering this afternoon in Ebensburg & she said, yes.

We left Nicktown around 1:30pm & made a grocery stop @ the West End Market & Wal-Mart.

Don & Josie had their oldest daughter, Adrianne, & her husband, Les, in for a few days so we were the 2nd party to arrive @ the gathering. Behind us, came the Foote family, Nick & Eriko family, & Zack, Katrina & Katie. My sister, Corinne, has been staying @ Don & Josie's place for a few days during the holidays & will return to Pittsburgh later this evening.

I will start with the good people & work my way up to the better people. Downstairs in the social room, from left to right> Zack, me, Katie, Nick & my brother Don. DSC000313.JPG                                Melissa with Nathan, trying to comfort him. DSC000314.JPG                                        Adrianne & Les; married 6 yrs. DSC000315.JPG                                 Wow! This girl (Momoko) is ready to walk. DSC000316.JPG                             Katrina soothing Nathan; he needed more love too. DSC000318.JPG Then Josie started playing the player piano & all the singers & curious ones wrapped around the 1935 homestead music machine. DSC000319.JPG                        After Josie, I played a few rolls & the singers wanted more . DSC000317.JPG                       Then Matthew wanted to take a turn & he did really good. DSC000320.JPG We ended up singing some Christmas Carols & patriotic songs. We snacked on peanuts, chips, & pretzels .... & mostly drank wine & beer. Before we left Josie brought out a tray of several different kinds of cookies, all made by Adrianne & her friend. This gathering was ever so nice. We were thankful to be around this area & experience this annual event of Don & Josie's.

From here, we followed our out-of-state kids who were following the Foote family back to their Castle for the evening. Showers were taken & the youngsters had snacks before heading for bed while we adults sat around & talked about the people we just visited. Such a nice brother, sisters & sister-in-law, etc I have.

Most of us were hungry for something healthy so Kathy made a huge salad & some fresh Tuscan herb bread which we all devoured in no time.

Zack talked Kathy, Katrina & me into playing a few rounds of the game: "Hecho." It was interesting to learn but we needed more experience. We left for Nicktown shortly before 11:00pm.

Lights out:11:43pm.

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