Tuesday 25 January 2011

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Awake: 6:20am      Temp 33      sleep 6+49      flurries & cloudy      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, K & I motored to Barnesboro for our exercise. We spent over (2) hrs there getting aquainted with the entire high tech workout machines & we liked their setup a lot.

Back @ our motorhome, the well driller from Summerset arrived; Brian & his side kick Mike, walked around the perimeter to where the (8) wells are to be drilled for the Geo-thermo. Brian asked me if the bulldozer fellows could have the marked area in the field clean of snow & topsoil tomorrow, then he would have his driller equipment & team up here mid morning on Thursday. I let him know that I would inform Bernie the builder & call him later today.

Shortly after Brian & Mike left,I began prepping for getting some pure water into the motorhome's tank. It's been a while since I filled our pure water tank & it won't be filled today either; I wasn't satisfied with the color of our water, so I ran the well dry & will try again another day.

I got in touch with Bernie the builder & he assured me that the bulldozer guys would be able to clean the snow off as well as the topsoil tomorrow. Then I called Brian the driller & passed that message on to him.  

Dinner: Veal Marsala, spinach salad, & brown rice. After dinner, aside from our regular political programs, we watched the President's State of the Union address. DSC000401.JPG                                     That is  all I will say about that.
Lights out: 12:01am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 28, 2011 6:34 PM.

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