Thursday 30 December 2010

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Awake: 6:12am       Temp 27       sleep 6+14      overcast       overnight @ Nicktown.

After the KK meeting, Kathy went to Barnesboro for her Physical Therapy. Meanwhile, Katrina called from the Foote Castle; she was not feeling well, her voice was muted & her nose was stuffed up.

She wanted to know if we had any Nyquil & if we did, could we bring it when we came over today. I told her I would do what I could.

Later, Nick called: they need (1) pack of size (3) diapers & peppers & onions to make stir-fry.

To save shopping time & still get over to the Foote Castle for dinner, I called Kathy @ the P.T. building & asked if she could get these items in Barnesboro after her P.T. & then we could possibly make the Foote dinner meal time. She told me she will try.

By the time Kathy got finished with her P.T. & shopped for the required requests, & our driving time to Indiana, we missed having dinner @ the Foote Castle again. Notice the boys are now having a snack time. DSC000331.JPG Later, Kathy let it be known to all that she would like a family picture today before the boys showers start. So, the living room was rearranged for this event. Kevin had (2) cameras, both on timers, (1) on a tripod & the other on a step. I had my camera timed & siting on the entrance bureau. We both took several shots & naturally selected the best shot for the group. So, welcome to the latest up-to-date Kathy & Monte Family photo.  DSC000332.JPG After the boys were in bed, Kathy & I ate a few leftover slices of Kevin's homemade pizza, with a mixed salad & a small piece of Katie's homemade pumpkin pie for dessert. Then we sat around in the living room & chatted until some people were falling asleep. DSC000333.JPG Zack & Katie & will be leaving for Seattle mid morning tomorrow & Katrina will be with them as far as Chicago, then she flies to we said our goodbyes tonight with mucho, mucho thanks for surprising us & making our Christmas gathering a true family reunion. DSC000334.JPG           And we do hope that Katrina gets better real soon; & of course, we said our goodnights to the rest of who might still be awake.

Lights out for us: 12:06am.

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