Sunday 2 January 2011

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Awake: 8:00am     Temp 37      sleep 6+49     mostly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

                When I woke up this morning, this warning was flashing above our dash: DSC000344.JPG Temp went from 53 yesterday to 37 today. K & I attended 9:00am Sunday Mass & then early afternoon, we self toured our house....admiring the progress the builders are making.

                           Here is one location that holds a lot of powerful ideas. DSC000343.JPG Yes, this is contractor Bernie's desk. Looks like a very expensive piece of furniture.

Dinner: Pork chops with spicey sweet potatoes & apples.

Evening movie: "Crossroads" with William Powell, Hedy Lamarr, Claire Trevor, Basil Rathbone, Margaret Wycherly, etc. Smooth, clever tale of respected diplomat Powell, who was once a victim of amnesia; he is accused by an extortionist of having a previous identity as a sly petty crook, causing much grief for him and his new wife. 1942. Good story.

Lights out: 11:28pm

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