Saturday 8 January 2011

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Awake: 5:51am    Temp 20    sleep 5+11     snow, most of day    overnight @ Nicktown.

Kevin from the Foote Castle called us & asked if they could come over on Sunday around 1:30pm & tour our house project.  "Absolutely!  The only thing we planned to do on Sunday was to volunteer for the church; but we should be done around 1:00 pm," I told him.

Then I toured the house myself, looking closely @ the booths in the basement, termination wire area, desk location, switchboard location, mechanical room, phone booth, etc. Tomorrow, Kevin & I will be walking around...checking to make sure we have enough phone cables, coax cables, etc run before the workers start insulating & dry walling.

Kathy & I had a small (1/2 sandwich each), early dinner: the best Ruben sandwich I've ever tasted by anybody.

Next we attended the 6:00pm vigil Mass in Nicktown & afterward, John, Theresa, Kathy & I each had a beer & later, a small pizza. We had a fun social time for sure.

Late movie: "Young Cassidy.) We watched ¾.

Lights out: 11:59pm.                         

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 12, 2011 12:48 PM.

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