Friday 24 December 2010

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Awake: 6:14am     Temp 22     sleep 5+55     overcast     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, Kathy delayed her breakfast & motored to Barnesboro for her P.T.

During her absence Melissa called & suggested a plan for Christmas day which I passed on to Kathy when she returned @ 12:05pm.

Early afternoon, I got the long hose out from our basement & filled the motorhome's pure water tank with (161) gallons. Next, I replaced the batteries in my Fluke meter which haven't been changed since purchased sometime early 2006.

Dinner: crab cakes, spinach salad, brown & wild rice pilaf. Later, Kathy & I attended the vigil 7:00pm Christmas Mass. The church was about ¾ full. However, all together there are (4) masses being said @ St. Nicholas church for Christmas.

Lights out: 12:09am.                                      


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