Friday 21 January 2011

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Awake: 6:14am     Temp 23     sleep 7+02      lots of snow & wind     overnight @ Nicktown.

Bernie, the builder, drove his truck with a snow blade attached & made fast work of clearing Saint Paul Street & our circular drive; in addition, he cleared the deep snow close to our Suzuki. DSC000387.JPG Sometime later, 84-Lumber again drove in with a different set of workers who were stapling netting across the outside wall studs; DSC000388.JPG They had about 1/2 of the house to finish stapling & the next step will be blowing in the fiberglass insulating material like this sample photo. DSC000389.JPG                      Down in the basement, Jason was working on the Geo system.

Meanwhile Kathy was on the computer searching for more info on a fireplace for the basement. She did talk with Joe from J & O Fireplace & they agreed on a smaller fireplace for the basement. Later, we both scrutinized a catalog that focused exclusively on entry doors, & after that, I believe we have a decision made.

Then Kathy settled down with a novel & I challenged myself with my X-word puzzle book.

Dinner: Leftover Salmon loaf with brown rice & a broccoli cauliflower salad.

Evening movie: "So Big" with Jane Wyman, Sterling Hayden, Nancy Olson, Steve Forrest, Martha Hyer, etc. Superficial but engrossing Edna Feber/soaper saga about teacher who brings up son to be self-sufficient. 1953. Good story.

Lights out: 12:18am.

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