Monday 20 December 2010

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Awake: 6:56am      Temp 20       sleep 7+25       light snow      overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attended the KK but we checked out early due to Kathy's P. T. in Barnesboro.

Meanwhile, I visited Bernie & we discussed: computer cable, TV coaxial, phone lines, & our switchboard setup. He told me he would be using a high tech cable; CAT5E 24/4P, capable of handling all of what we talked about.

Then Bernie asked if I could locate the electrical line leading from our #1 campground hookup to the transformer. I told him I would do my best.

Using my dowsing rods, I approached the area from all sides & then trampled a straight line in the snow where I thought the electrical line has been buried. Later I showed Bernie my take on the buried line. As a precaution when digging, he suggested that we might want to get a professional guy over here to back up my dowsing. I thought it was a good idea to be safe rather than sorry.

After Kathy finished her P. T., she drove over to the ophthalmologist & picked up my eyeglasses with new lenses. What a nice difference! O boy, I can't wait to play "Diminishing Bridge" again.

After Kathy's breakfast, she went on line to compared costs on several things we've been close to purchasing. Then Bernie had a question for Kathy & me so we made another visit to the house. We discussed our sink, cabinet & mirror area near our bedroom; the height & lighting. Here we see the water & drain lines for the laundry room. DSC000278.JPG                          Here are some of the water & drain lines in the kitchen. DSC000279.JPG @ 5:15pm, Kathy left to help others set up the poinsettias in church. About 1.5 hrs later, Dinner: Ribollita, & toast.

Evening time, we watched "Sara Palin's: Alaska."

Lights out: 11:49pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 24, 2010 6:56 AM.

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