Wednesday 10 November 2010

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Awake: 6:05am     Temp 38     sleep 6+55     fog...then sunshine     overnight @ Nicktown.
Before leaving for the KK meeting, Kathy started a load of laundry; after we returned, she continued with another laundry load before leaving for Indiana & bowling with her lady friends.

                          @ 12:47am, the Long Barn delivered our roof shingles DSC000140.JPG & the building team got right after the unloading, setting the individual packs within their working area on the front side. DSC000141.JPG                                             And on the backside. DSC000142.JPG Off & on I monitored their progress while going thru my stack of receipts recounting (2) months of spending. Mid afternoon, I took a quick tour of the main floor & discovered that the REA guys had run some air conditioning cooling tubes through the ceiling trusses. DSC000143.JPG Shortly afterwards, Kathy returned from bowling with a nice smile on her face but....she wasn't too proud of her score card.

Dinner: Pork chops with fried noodles & apple stuffed acorn squash.

Zack called en route to their rental house: quite a bit of discussion about their upcoming wedding & the guest list with some talk regarding Zack's completion of his Master's degree this Dec. & Katie's continued education.

Late evening, I printed copies of the windows that we finalized. Tomorrow these changes will be faxed to Matt @ State College, PA.

Lights out: 11:46.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 15, 2010 1:59 PM.

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