Tuesday 2 November 2010

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Awake: 6:16am.       Temp 28      sleep 6+28      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, I filled up the pure water tank in our motorhome. Later, K & I dashed out to Heilwood (7) miles for a take-out turkey dinner with all the trimmings for each of us. If it hadn't been for our busy schedule today, we would have joined some of our KK members & had the lunch/dinner with them; and their they are....3 tables back. DSC000116.JPG so we'll refrigerate our (2) take-outs & have them another day. Back @ our motorhome, I took the time to relocate the light bulbs in pump house # 2 to avoid freezing conditions. DSC000117.JPG A little later, Melissa & her boys arrived for a few hrs of fun. In lieu of going directly to the infamous treasure chest dumpster, I talked the boys into doing something with the treasures they already have. Then they asked me for ideas; "well," I said, "how about we make a swing with the nylon ribbon we have collected?" The boys were all for that...until I had trouble tying the nylon ribbon together. Then I realized: I have "Duck Tape."

Meanwhile, Melissa brought some tulip, narcissus, crocus, & ? bulbs to plant in our yard for spring time blooming. Good Idea! So Melissa, Matthew, Nathan, & with some help from Kathy, brought that project to fruition.

OK, back to the duck tape; once the nylon ribbon was taped together, Andrew, Matthew & Nathan all wanted to run around in the yard & sort of fly that long ribbon. Andrew & Nathan both wanted their ribbons to be longer, so be it! At one point, Nathan was the king ribbon runner, then Matthew offered his long ribbon to Andrew & with more duck tape; he was then top dog ribbon man. Here we have a photo of Nathan & Matthew comparing their ribbon lengths. DSC000118.JPG After that, someone mentioned that we should go inside the almost covered house & look for fallen or rusty nails, & away they went. The boys found plenty of nails upstairs & downstairs.   Here are Nathan & Gregory collecting nails together. DSC000119.JPG When visiting the Foote boys on Halloween, they showed us their use for nails, & other treasures from the dumpster; their "creations!"

After a relaxed & healthy snack session for the boys, most of us participated in putting the "stuff" back in the box...save for a good haul of nails, which they took with them; then the big box got pushed under the motorhome until their next visit. Here is witness that the boys are truly loved by Gamma & vice-versa. DSC000120.JPG After seeing Melissa & the boys off, we changed our clothes & motored to Ebensburg to meet with my brother Don & his wife, Josie; we followed them in both of their cars to the Presbyterian Church where my brother & Josie treated us to a Spaghetti dinner with meat balls & tomato sauce, a salad & cookies for dessert.

This dinner was sponsored by the Ebensburg Rotary Club in which my brother has a long standing membership. During our dinner time, we got caught up on D & J's month of traveling to see their kids & grandkids in (3) different states: Maryland, North Carolina, & South Carolina...some 1700 miles.

It was a good rendezvous & a good catch up on their family's activities. We thank you guys a lot for the dinner. Next, Josie went to practice with her church choir & my brother stayed to help clean up after the dinner.

Meanwhile, Kathy & I motored to Spangler & joined the crowd @ the Funeral home where my 1st cousin, Anna, was being waked. My brother & Josie went earlier this afternoon & told us all the parking spots were taken & the place was packed with family, relatives, friends, etc.

Aside from getting a lucky parking spot, we found the inside area crowded & very, very busy. We signed in & proceeded down the line, expressing our condolences to Florentz & his children & grandchildren.

Anna was a well known & well liked person who was always ready to help anyone, anytime, for any reason. She was a super mom & grandma; very popular & so sweet. She will be missed by many.

Lights out: 11:28pm.

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