Saturday 6 November 2010

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Awake: 6:25am      Temp 33      sleep 5+54     overcast, then hail, & ½ inch of snow Nicktown.

It looked like a good day to stay indoors & we did that all morning until we found our ambition & exuberance to walk over to our house & pick up some of the wood remnants, 2x2's, 2x4's & 2x6's. We packed them into (4) large boxes & (2) small boxes. These will be given to the Foote Family to do with what they want. DSC000130.JPG Next, we changed clothes & attended the 6:00pm, vigil Mass, which was very crowded.

Afterward, Kathy, Theresa, John & I spent some time @ the Nicktown Hotel Bar talking about anything & everything ...but we didn't gossip. For whatever reason, the Shock Top beer tasted better than ever this evening, so we each had a glass & ½.

Back @ our motorhome, K & I watched the movie: "The Private Life of Henry the VIII" with Charles Laughton, Binnie Barnes, Robert Donat, Elsa Lanchester, Merle Oberon, etc. Sweeping historical chronicle of 16th-century English monarch, magnificently captured by Oscar-winning Laughton in multifaceted performance. 1933. Interesting story & well worth our time.

Lights out: 12:36am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 8, 2010 3:37 PM.

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