Friday 19 November 2010

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Awake: 6:05am      Temp 33       sleep 6+27      partly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Before breakfast, K & I attended the 9:30am children's Mass @ our church. It always gives me a warm feeling when Father Job officiates @ the school Mass. The school children & the adults seem to really enjoy his homilies.

Afterwards, we joined the crowd outside & participated with Father Job as he blessed the Peace Pole which was recently donated & dedicated to his deceased Mother of (3) yrs.

Mid afternoon, I wandered outside to find out how close the workers were to finishing shingling the roof. After talking with Ryan, he told me they would be finished within the hr. I was just as happy to hear that forecast as they were. Up on that roof ...with the cool winds blowing & moving those heavy shingles around couldn't be much fun. DSC000171.JPG Later today, we were invited to join the Foote Family in Indiana, PA to celebrate Christmas coming to Jimmy Stewart's home town. There were (2) showings on the Big screen of the movie: "It's a Wonderful Life" & a parade down Philidelphia Ave.

So, with the long standing reputation that the Foote Family has of being early or on time for these functions, we dressed for the cool evening weather & arrived promptly @ 5:00pm, the appointed hr.

Oops, when the Foote boys came running to greet us, they were chewing on something & it wasn't chewing gum. They were still eating dinner & it would be another (40) min until the boys got into their snowsuits, shoes, & mittens & started to walk to Philidelphia Ave.

                    Here we have Melissa & smiling Gregory....just about ready to go. DSC000172.JPG                   Just look @ those happy smiling faces! Well, two out of 5 anyway? DSC000173.JPG Fortunately, the evening temperatures were in the middle (40's) with calm wind....& we were all dressed properly.

Downtown was already very crowded with people everywhere. Several stands for roasting marshmallows were set up as well as a Salvation Army van giving out free hot chocolate with mini marshmallows.

1st things 1st; warmth with the help of a marshmallow roast & a hot chocolate drink; all the boys, except Gregory, had both treats. DSC000174.JPG Unfortunately for Nathan, his marshmallow was half baked & the gooey stuff stuck to his mittens which stuck to his hot chocolate cup. Yikes!

During our warming up program, the singers from Saint Thomas More church entertained us with a few well sung Christmas songs. DSC000175.JPG Then we walked across the street & Melissa found an open spot for us to watch the parade. And here they come: Rudolf the red nosed reindeer & the black & white (?) guy. DSC000176.JPG                                 


                                              Hey, go Pirates, go! DSC000178.JPG These gals were good & showed no signs of being cold. Wait a minute: what are those big batteries doing on their backs with wires running throughout their skimpy clothing? DSC000180.JPG For the occasion, the parade was fun to see & the kids were rained down with candy tossed from the parade sponsors.

Afterwards, we returned to the marshmallow area & spent some time in "Samiches" café where various craft projects were set up for the children. The (3) older Foote boys each made a Christmas craft.

Then we walked back to the Foote Castle & said our "thank you & goodnight." Gregory fell asleep on the way home & the rest of the boys were very tired. I was satisfied that the temperature was rather mild & the almost full moon gave us a little light along the way.

Back @ our motorhome, we watched ½ of: "Little Big Man" while eating popcorn.

Lights out: 11:55pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 21, 2010 10:15 AM.

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