Friday 12 November 2010

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Awake: 6:37am      Temp 39       sleep 6+59      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our breakfast, I retracted our # 1 slide about half way, & then fully extended it back. I wanted to do this to the other slides but ran out of time. It is rare that we sit in one place for such a long time without exercising our slides; perhaps there will be another opportunity.

Then I began fixing a cord with a light for the #1 pump house...but I ran out of time doing this short job also. Minutes later, our young friends from Saint Augustine, Rosemary & Gary, arrived to tour & inspect our BIG BUILD. They haven't seen the house progress since September 1st when we had: "The BIG DIG." This is the main entrance; notice the shingles are about done on this side. DSC000147.JPG I walked with Gary & Kathy walked with Rosemary thru the main & basement floors; then outside & down in the field. Shingles are ready & waiting on this side. DSC000146.JPG                                 But 1st, another dormer must be built. DSC000148.JPG So, after a good .50 cent tour, we settled down in our motorhome & had some wine with cheese & crackers.

In lieu of the customary (5) course meal Kathy usually serves to these special people, we decided to simply walk over to the Nicktown Bar & have some pizza with beer.

G & R had never been to the Nicktown bar, so it was a nice chance to introduce the high caliber style of living that we "city" folks enjoy, but don't advertise too strongly to the "country" folks!

We enjoyed their company very much & hope that we can do this again soon. Back in our motorhome, K & I started watching: 2001 Space Odyssey. We watched (54) min.

Lights out: 11:07pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 15, 2010 8:36 PM.

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