Tuesday 19 October 2010

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Awake: 6:53am Temp 42 sleep 6+59 fog...then sunny overnight @ Nicktown. After breakfast, Kathy motored to Barnesboro for groceries.

              During her absence, Long Barn delivered a good sized load of 2X4's. DSC00172.JPG And we had a visitor (John) who was curious about the progress on the BIG BUILD. DSC00173.JPG We toured the basement floor & eyeballed what progress we could see on the main floor. DSC00170.JPG John asked if I knew much about relatively new Honda motorcycles, then he continued to describe his bike's problem. I asked if he had the owner's manual because sometimes that is a good source of info. He did not.

I let him know that I would have gone to see what I could do on his bike right now, but our grandkids are expected to visit with us today & I'd be in BIG trouble if I wasn't here for them.

He said his good friend is a pretty good fixer with bikes so he'll probably take it over to him today & have it checked out. I did suggest before John left, that he might try to get the owner's manual from the seller.

       Shortly after John left, (3) excited kids popped out of a mini-van with shovels in hand. DSC00174.JPG Obviously they were properly prepared to get muddy & wet; when they settled in the lower mud road area, the mud was mostly dry. Hmm, I couldn't help thinking of another idea; there were a lot of unusable pieces of Styrofoam lying around, so I suggested they try Styrofoam sledding off the steep top-soil mountains. Nathan goes first. DSC00175.JPGDSC00176.JPG After numerous attempts & disappointments, I talked the boys into using the Styrofoam like flying airplanes, throwing them into the wind. DSC00178.JPG Yes, fly it like that airplane up[ there, after all, it is quite windy today I told them. However, after more numerous attempts & disappointments, they decided to find their own entertainment...which turned out to be muddy water after all...& they used their Styrofoam pieces as boats. DSC00179.JPG The boats were great; no matter how much they tried to sink them, they would always re-surface.

Later, all the boys, even Gregory, were looking around the basement for things they could keep as souvenirs. Nathan got lucky & found a clip of nails from a nail gun; all of a sudden his popularity ballooned!

Matthew & Andrew were like instant shysters, bartering for this & giving that, etc. Hey, this souvenir idea led us directly to a treasure chest called: "The Dumpster." Yes sir folks, step right up. Every thing is free; your wish is my command. DSC00188.JPG Young man, I believe you would like a wonderful, one of a kind. box....yes sir, here you are. DSC00184.JPG             you requested a tube of sub-floor adhesive .........I am at your service. DSC00190.JPG                 These boys & this boy were sure having a grand ole time....but DSC00194.JPG Mother Melissa was not looking forward to having that bundle of "stuff" in their home. This box & it's contents were divided into 3 sections: left to right: Matthew's, Andrew's & Nathan's. Fortunately Kathy & Melissa made a deal with the boys; each could take home only two of their treasures; the rest will be kept under our motor home until their next visit. DSC00200.JPG Before Melissa & the boys leave, they have their healthy snack time in the yard. If you look closely to Matthew's right hand, he's holding onto one of his new treasures. DSC00201.JPG                                                 We sure had fun today

Dinner: Tuna Salad & a mixed salad.

Lights out: 12:12am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 21, 2010 11:14 AM.

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