Tuesday 12 October 2010

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Awake: 5:45am   Temp 53    sleep 5+32    early morning rain...then mostly sunny   overnight @ Nicktown. Workers arrived around 7:00am.

After our KK meeting & breakfast, we talked with Bernie about man doors in the basement & windows on the main floor. Shortly after noontime, 84 Lumber Company brought in a load of trusses. DSC00113.JPG Later in the day, the Long Barn Inc delivered a heavy load of 2x6's. @ 2:10pm, Melissa & her boys paid us a visit. We had talked with the Foote family about doing the Corn Maze today; however since the heavy rain earlier this morning, we doubted if the maze field would be dry enough to enjoy the challenge. Just then, Melissa spotted something: "hey, what's that.... it looks like a mud-puddle". Quick guys get your shovels!" DSC00114.JPG So...in lieu of running around in a corn field getting wet & muddy, the boys got their shovels out & started getting wetter & muddier by building small stone structures filled with muddy water? DSC00117.JPG The bigger guys, Matthew & Andrew, quickly tired of that project & asked if they could go over to the other top-soil mountain, which was just fine.

They began making a slide on that mountain a few weeks ago & wanted to continue. I wasn't there as I offered to look after Gregory & Nathan so Kathy & Melissa could join the big guys.

However, I understand that the slide is made by Matthew digging dirt from one place & throwing it on a path while Andrew slides down on his butt over & over again, scooting the dirt farther down the hill & elongating the slide.

This mountain happens to be close to a Quad-runner trail & while Matthew & Andrew were working away, Chad (a near neighbor) & 2 of his children came riding by on their Quads. Chad offered to give both boys a ride with him which they eagerly accepted. With Andrew sitting forward & Matthew between Andrew & Chad, Chad let Matthew have control of the machine. Pretty exciting! Now the guys are really anxious for us to get our Quads out of storage. Matthew already has plans to take Gregory for a ride on our BIG one.

Later, the big guys returned to continue the initial building project...but slowly tired of that once more. Then Melissa called the boys to have their healthy snack time. She carries a lot of required things in her back pack anytime they walk or travel.

After snack time, we all watched Bernie level out our front yard.... way before the topsoil will be brought in. DSC00119.JPG Bernie has a lot of talent & runs this machine like a pro. DSC00120.JPG Once again the afternoon passed too quickly & it was time to say our goodbyes & thank them for the pleasurable visit.

Dinner: Beef-vegetable stew with an English muffin.

@ 8:00pm, I attended the Holy Name meeting @ the church hall for a hr; a short meeting....Father was absent.

Lights out:11:40pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 16, 2010 9:08 AM.

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