Thursday 30 September 2010

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Awake: 6:04am     Temp 55     sleep 5+30      light to heavy rain...started during the night & continued most of day until 3:10pm      overnight @ Nicktown.

Using our Suzuki & umbrellas, we joined the KK members for (1.5) hrs. After that, we stayed indoors all for a short walk to scrutinize the BIG DIG area. Here is a snapshot after the rain subsided. Just a few muddy areas on the temporary, back of the basement, construction road. DSC00001.JPG Kathy divided her time today into reading, computer usage, & needle pointing. My time was consumed by: computer, x-word puzzle, & reading.

Dinner: leftover pasta with sausage, bread, grapes & a mixed/bean salad.

We finished watching: "Holiday in Mexico" with Walter Pidgeon, IIona Massey, Roddy McDowall, Jose Iturbi, etc. Engaging, well-cast musical comedy of daughter of ambassador falling for noted musician. 1946. I was drawn in 1st, by the colorization of this movie, & 2nd, by the casual & well mannered father & how he handled his teenage daughter. Obviously, my mate was not as impressed with what I found so interesting, although she was impressed with the father's parenting technique, it still took (3) nights to finish this story.

Lights out: 12:02am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 1, 2010 3:29 PM.

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