Thursday 28 October 2010

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Awake: 6:12am      Temp 54      sleep 6+41       sunny...windy       overnight @ Nicktown. We cut our KK meeting short this morning due to: "house work."

After breakfast, we had a talk with our builder, Bernie, regarding roofing shingles. He reminded us that very soon, they will be ready to start shingling the roof. So, after having a good talk with Gary & Rosemary about geo-thermo & shingles, K & I motored to Ebensburg; made a quick stop @ the West End Market & then, spent some time @ the "Long Barn" selecting the style & color shingle for our home. DSC000102.JPG

Next we grocery shopped @ Wal-Mart & then returned to Nicktown. Later, after the construction team had left for the day, K & I checked out the progress on the hex; it appears to be very close to being finished. DSC000103.JPG Back inside our motorhome, Zack called & talked with Kathy, making up for Tuesday's lost chit-chat.

Early evening, my ole buddy, Charlie, called from Spangler; he was in town for a few days visiting his mother. He & his sister visited our BIG Build earlier this afternoon, but, of course, we had gone shopping. Charlie will be driving back to Cleveland this evening.

Mid evening, Nick Skyped & brought us up-to-date on their BIG MOVE...which is scheduled for Saturday. He told us if everyone who volunteered to help would show up, the process wouldn't take very long.

Dinner: Tuna steak, fried noodles, broccoli, & a mixed salad.

Lights out:11:48pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 31, 2010 9:11 AM.

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