Sunday 3 October 2010

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Awake: 7:01am     Temp 46     sleep 7+00     partly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our coffee, K & I exercised @ the community center for (1.2) hrs & then returned to our home on wheels for breakfast.

Next, around 11:50am, we drove to the church hall & joined the celebrating crowd of local people who were honoring & thanking Donna for her (60 +) years of being our dedicated church organist, daily, week-ends, & special occasions; and she is not retiring yet.

There were several tables of cookies, cakes, & other sweets one could munch on during the activity. We stayed & talked to a number of people who we don't get to see very often & then, @ 1:00pm, we went to the open house at the volunteer fire department, including the blessing of their new fire truck by Father Job.

They too, had a large table of sweets for munching as well as one plate of carrots & celery; ah, something healthy snuck in there. This volunteer fire department goes way back to the (40)'s & their good reputation is well noticed.

Next, we attended the opening of the 40 hours exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at church.  After our church attendance, we were about to get into our car when we saw Debra, our workout partner. Her parents were unloading their truck of furniture & Debbie asked if we would like to have a tour of her condo. We both found it to be a very nice & roomy condo; much bigger than we expected.

Meanwhile, across the street @ the Fatima Shrine, people were gathering & there seemed to be a lot of dogs. It was Father Job blessing the animals in honor of the feast of St. Francis.

I had realized it earlier & now confirmed that I goofed; I didn't bring my camera!

Dinner: Crab Cakes with mango, ginger chutney, left over eggplant casserole, & garlic bread.

Movie for tonight: "Phantom of the opera."  We watch ½.

Lights out: 11:39pm.


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 5, 2010 2:37 PM.

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