Sunday 10 October 2010

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Awake: 6:31am      Temp 46      sleep 7+09      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

After our coffee, K & I exercised in the community center for (1.5) hrs. Mid morning, we drove over to the church hall & had breakfast. During our meal, we socialized with my 1st cousin Florentz & one of his boys, Cyrus & his children; plus a few other people.

Back in our motorhome, my brother Don called: he & Josie were planning on visiting us this afternoon ...but I had to turn this gracious opportunity down due to the plans we made months ago.

Next, we motored (28) miles to Blue Spruce Park near Indiana, PA & joined our daughter, Melissa, Kevin & their family + dozens of others to do the annual walk, "Step Out For Diabetes." This is Blue Spruce Lake DSC00105.JPG And here is where the crowd gathers. DSC00104.JPG Find Melissa on the left holding Gregory & look for the nearest red hat; that would be Matthew & this is his team.Only his hat can be seen however. DSC00106.JPG Gregory complained when his mom disturbed his cozy bed, DSC00108.JPG but it was time to start the walk. DSC00109.JPG This was our 3rd walk to raise money to cure diabetes & the usual crowd was much smaller then before. Plus the bag lunch that we usually were given, was changed to: potato chips, pretzels, a power bar, water & apples. But at least we had some food.

The walk for us was (2.1) miles. Nathan held my hand most of the time. After the finish, we sat around & munched on our goodies; however the Foote family couldn't hang around too long as Matthew was committed to his swimming lesson @ 5:00pm today. That was our clue to say our goodbyes & motor back to Nicktown.

Later, my sister, Corinne, called from Pittsburgh & cheerfully updated us on her new job & lifestyle. What a wonderful change for my sister. Just hearing her stories that she is getting to know such nice people makes us feel that it was truly meant to be.

Dinner: Chili with chips.

We finished the movie: "55 Days in Peking" with Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner, David Niven, Flora Robson, John Ireland, etc. Stars provide most of the interest in confusing historical account of Boxer Rebellion in 1900's China. 1963. Interesting & somewhat based on a true story.
Lights out: 11:28pm.

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