Wednesday 8 September 2010

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Awake: 6:39am       Temp 63      sleep 6+39      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown. 
(2) workers arrived @ 6:56am & worked for a couple of hrs. Then they left. After breakfast, Kathy phoned Albert regarding the status of the brick that we liked in Indiana. Albert said it is available & gave Kathy a price per brick.

Then she called Dick @ St. Michaels & talked about the same brick & its cost; still no final decision.

Later, Kathy was getting our "Liddle Griddle," mini electric griddle out from the overhead cabinet; it accidentally slipped from her fingers & landed on one plastic foot...which broke off immediately. We use this Liddle Griddle a lot so I got out my epoxy & drilled a small hole straight into the leg. For strength, I also ran a small wire into the hole; then mixed my epoxy, brought the leg together with scotch tape & let it cure in the sunshine. Before the day was over, the leg & foot appeared to be as good as new. DSC09925.JPG Dinner: Kathy's delicious chili with chips.

We finished watching: "Cool Hand Luke" with Paul Newman, George Kennedy, J.D. Cannon, Lou Antonio, Robert Drivas, Strother Martin, Jo Van Fleet, etc. Modern slant on prison camps shows little change since Paul Muni; more irreverent, however, with memorably funny egg-eating contest. Top-notch film with Kennedy's Oscar-winning supporting performance as prisoner. 1967 We've watched this movie during the 60's & today, it's still tops in my book.

Lights out: 11:29pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 10, 2010 3:11 PM.

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