Wednesday 1 September 2010

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Awake: 6:12am       Temp 63      sleep 6+24      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Bernie & Adam showed up about 7:00am. In the back of Bernie's truck, he had a blown up schematic of our house plans. When I finished my coffee, I went outside to join him. He wanted us to show him how we would like our house positioned so I went & got Kathy.

Basically, in our motorhome travels, when parking in a campsite I've always favored facing east, so I thought I would continue the favored direction. Once we established magnetic East, Bernie & Adam got their metal stakes & string, & started marking where the wings will be. @ 8:00am, Gary & Rosemary arrived with their camping chairs. DSC00108.JPG A little later, my cousin Florentz arrived wearing a winter coat & hat, even though the temperature was going into the 80's today. He told us that the word was that "it would be a cold day in Hell when Monte & Kathy would start building a house," so he wanted to be prepared. DSC00114.JPG Next, cousin Sue arrived, DSC00115.JPG & later, neighbor Chuck. Early afternoon, Melissa & the boys arrived. The boys had (2) Top Soil mountains to climb up & slide down while watching the activity. DSC00119.JPG Plus they had a great view of the excavator & bull dozer, DSC00133.JPGDSC00121.JPG The Skid Steers. DSC00122.JPG Mid afternoon, Chuck thoughtfully, offered Quad-runner rides to the Foote boys. Gregory was first but I didn't get a picture of him. So, here is Matthew & Chuck. DSC00126.JPG Look at that smile on Andrew. DSC00130.JPG After a few hints from the audience to smile, Nathan did ok, but Chuck did even better. DSC00132.JPG Late arrivals, cousin Ruth, & later a quick visit from Barry.

After all the gang left, Florentz returned to make a progress check. Since he & we planed on attending 6:00pm evening Mass, we rode with him as our walking time was running out.

After Mass, Florentz, Theresa, Kathy & I had a Shock Top beer @ the Nicktown Bar with lots of good talk.

What a great start for home building with some of our close family, cousins, friends & neighbors watching the BIG DIG.

Dinner: Tuna salad, leftover egg salad, cantaloupe, & a peach.

Lights out: 11:24.

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