Tuesday 14 September 2010

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Awake: 6:37am      Temp 51      sleep 6+39       sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

After the KK meeting, Kathy motored to Spangler & Barnesboro @ 11:40 am to return a library book plus other stuff. Meanwhile, Steve & Dave arrived @ 12:02pm with their trailer loaded with drain pipes......preparing to do the French drains. DSC09954.JPG They wasted no time in getting the drain pipes properly placed. DSC09955.JPG Next came the Skid Steer to move the gravel. DSC09957.JPG but 1st, Steve formed a bridge for crossing onto the basement floor to distribute the gravel & cover the drain pipes + basement floor. DSC09956.JPG The basement floor is now ready to have the walls constructed. DSC09961.JPG Bernie, the builder also visited & checked on the on-going progress. I had some questions for Bernie regarding the poured walls & the "R" factor of the wall pads, plus other questions on electrical & plumbing.

Kathy returned @ 2:05pm & as usual, she enjoyed her independent free time. Later, Zack called from Seattle & gave us a pretty good report on the testing of the Lexus that they might be buying. They had a scary moment going down a steep hill when Zack was braking & the Anti-skid brakes also kicked in.

Dinner: leftover Italian sausage with onions, peppers& mushrooms + broccoli. Kathy had a leftover chicken breast & broccoli.

After dinner, I washed the dishes & then scooted over to the church hall & attended the monthly Holy Name meeting which I missed (2) months in a row. Kathy was nice & dried those dishes during the meeting.

Lights out: 11:53pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 16, 2010 3:43 PM.

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