Thursday 16 September 2010

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Awake: 6:37am    Temp 61    sleep 6+33    rain started @ 9:35am & continued all day & most of the evening    overnight @ Nicktown.

We were about to leave the social room where we have our KK meeting when...the sky opened & gave us a lot of rain, which we needed. A little later, we returned to our motorhome for breakfast.

Mid morning, Nick called from the Sea-Tac airport; he was flying to San Francisco to meet with a customer & will return later this evening. During his wait time, he brought us up-to-date on the house he has put earnest money down on in the Queen Anne area. There are many things to say about this house ...but I won't disclose them just yet.

About 4:30pm, our neighbor Chuck called: he's alive & recovering. He returned on Tuesday evening from the hospital in Altoona & is very happy to be back. He was air flighted & admitted to the hospital after suffering a bout of respiratory arrest, most likely due to pneumonia which he didn't realize he had. He told us that he never again wants to go thru what he has just experienced the last few weeks.

He admitted that it will take some time to regain his strength enough to just start the quad-runner but not ride on it.

We missed Chuck a lot these past weeks so it was good to hear his voice & chuckle @ his good sense of humor. We'll casually be watching for him walking in his yard &/or riding on his Quad soon.

Dinner: stuffed peppers, bread with apple butter & a spinach salad.

Lights out: 11:53pm.             


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 17, 2010 1:47 PM.

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