Sunday 5 September 2010

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Awake: 5:46am     Temp 46    sleep 5+19    sunny    overnight@ Nicktown.

Kathy woke me up @ 5:46am. We talked about attending 6:00am Mass last evening but rarely set an alarm to wake us up & didn't this time. Did we ever hustle! And we made it in time with about (30) sec. to spare.

A lot of volunteer workers for the picnic attended this mass so it was quite full. I only had time for a cup of coffee & a bowl of cereal then reported to my boss, Jim. Our team of (4): two guys on the pavilion roof, (1) on the church hall roof & me on the ground. It seemed to take forever....probably because we all wanted to get home, change clothes & get in line for the famous home made noodle & chicken dinner. But it did take about (3.0) hrs.

Back on our property, Kathy was casually waiting for Corinne & the Foote family to arrive. Corinne arrived shortly after 10:00 am and the Footes @ 10:30 as scheduled. Several times Corinne & I attempted to get moving so as to get in line for dinner but those Foote boys are so cute & fun to talk took us a little longer to get going; our time in the line was well over an hr.

Later our gang caught up & visited Corinne & me; then they would  disappear again by checking out the various activities around the picnic area until we were close to entering the church hall. (7) Adults & (4) boys....we called out for seating.

What can I say: the food, the service, the attention to detail, it was all superb. And the Foote boys ate a lot more food this time than ever before.

After dinner, we all scattered hither & yon throughout the picnic day. Melissa admitted that she enjoyed this picnic better than ever & I think the boys did as well. Josie left mid afternoon, The Foots left around 4:45 & Corinne & Don stayed until around 6:30.

Kathy & I walked back in the dark around 8:30. Many people had their chairs outside getting ready to watch the 9:00pm fireworks whereas K & I watched from our motorhome. It was another great Saint Nicholas Homecoming Festival.

We finished watching: "The Wrong Man" with Henry Fonda, Vera Miles, Anthony Quayle, Harold J. Stone, etc. Unusual Hitchcock film done as semi-documentary, using true story of N.Y.C. musician (Fonda) falsely accused of robbery. Miles is excellent who cracks under strain; offbeat & compelling. 1957. Interesting for sure & it could happen to you!

Lights out: 11:26pm.


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