Sunday 19 September 2010

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Awake: 7:00am     Temp 57     sleep 7+16     partly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our coffee, K & I worked out for (1.6) hrs. @ 11:00am Karen called Kathy to let us know that she & Steve just left their home in Michigan & should be arriving @ our place before 6:00pm.

That was a clue for us to get our home organized for this annual occasion. Each yr, they leave Michigan to avoid the winter & spend their time @ the Villages in their home in Florida.

While Kathy vacuums & dusts the inside of our motorhome, I fill up our pure water tank & reposition some of our accumulated "stuff" from the living room.

Steve & Karen arrive fairly close to 6:00pm. After our welcome greetings, they wasted no time in getting over to inspect the BIG DIG project. Then we updated each other on our kids, grandkids, etc. Karen spent a great deal of time perusing our large scale house drawing with Kathy while Steve & I tried to get our own conversation going.

Then we motored in separate cars to the City Hotel Bar & Grill in Barnesboro for dinner. Karen & Steve will spend the night in this hotel as they have the last (2) yrs before.

Kathy & I shared a Corned Beef Reuben Sandwich & an Orange Chicken Salad. Steve & Karen were pretty tired so we agreed to meet tomorrow for more gab & fun.

K & I finished the movie: "The Way to the Stars" with John Mills, Michael Redgrave, Douglass Montgomery, Rosamund John, Stanley Holloway, Trevor Howard, etc. Excellent drama about a British airfield and the men stationed there, focusing mainly on personal relationships in wartime. 1945. A much different vision on WWII. You got to see it for yourself.

Lights out: 11:17pm.   


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 21, 2010 7:18 PM.

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