Monday 27 September 2010

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Awake: 5:52 am      Temp 55     sleep 6+01      light rain      overnight @ Nicktown.

Bernie & his team were on the job site before 7:00am.

We attended the KK meeting & then I purchased (4) rough service bulbs from the Krumenacker Hardware prep for warming the pump-houses during cold weather.

At our motorhome, Bernie came by & reported that the inspector was here & approved the water drains pressure test of 100 psi. DSC09985.JPG Early afternoon, Scott, the Geo man, & his sidekick, Mike, visited our basement. Scott, Mike & Bernie got together &, to my satisfaction, selected the placement of the Geo thermal units in the basement. DSC09988.JPG The Geo Thermal units will be placed near the wall & the large blue tubes will spread out to be (8) smaller tubes, & get buried about (5) ft under ground in a loop further down in our open field. DSC09990.JPG Kathy's been reading about Radon gas & how it creeps into old homes & new she talked to Bernie about Radon & he thought it would be a good idea to bury a few pipes before the basement was covered with cement. Scott asked for (2) more drain pipes in the event there is sweating around the geothermal energy units.

                                                 At the end of the day..... DSC09989.JPG Dinner: Tilapia fish, rice, asparagus & red peppers, acorn squash, grapes, cantaloupe.

Lights out: 11:26.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 30, 2010 9:32 AM.

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