Wednesday 28 July 2010

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Awake: 6:17am Temp 63     sleep 6+18      partly cloudy     overnight @ Nicktown.

Early morning, Melissa called us & wanted to know if we were available to come to Indiana & go swimming with the boys.

Seems that perhaps Kathy zigged when she should have zagged or overdid exercising yesterday, anyway she is in much pain with muscle spasms in her lower back, so we had to decline the Indiana invite. We also skipped the KK meeting this morning & while Kathy was doing some appliance research on her Apple, I exercised for (1.6) hrs in the community Center. Here are some of our humble workout machines: DSC09877.JPG
After brunch, I picked blueberries for (1 hr 45 min). Then Skyped my buddy Ray for about 45 min in Washington State. Most of our talk involved remote control model airplane flying & motorcycles but no old girlfriend talk.

Ray spoke well, looks good & who would believe that he will turn 70 next yr!

Before dinner, I e-mailed some electrical suggestions to our architect before he finishes with the construction documents.

Dinner: Pork chops, yam, broccoli, cherries, mango slices & apple sauce.

Lights out: 11:42pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 2, 2010 10:41 AM.

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