Thursday 12 August 2010

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Awake: 5:35am    Temp 66    sleep 6+10    early morning rain with thunderstorms. (Woke me up twice), overnight @ Nicktown.

Father John Paul from Nigeria honored us with his presence this morning; 1st he said the morning Mass, & then he joined us for awhile @ our KK. He will be in town for (2) days only & then flies to San Francisco, CA & where he will begin work on his masters & then doctoral degree in clinical psychology.

After our breakfast, Kathy picked a nice container full of blueberries while I spent some time on my Dell computer. As a matter of fact, most of my day was spent on the computer, working X-word puzzles & taking some time to read an aviation magazine.

Dinner: sirloin steak, broccoli, (potatoes & corn-on-the-cob from Florentz's garden), red grapes & an orange.

After dinner, we called Melissa & talked about how their boys were getting back on schedule after having such a busy week of company.

Lights out: 11:37pm.


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