I skipped the KK
meeting this morning but Kathy attended. I invited my 1st cousin Flossie
(Florentz) to dowse my # 1 well for iron & pure water...& to find out at what
level the iron is seeping out from?
This well is (110) ft deep & usually
the pump is lowered to about (10) ft from the bottom of the well. Florentz
couldn't get a reading of which water flow was @ what level, the pure or the
iron, so I used his bundle of string tied to a rock, & attached a small
metal can above the rock, lowered the rock & the metal cup & submerged
both. Then pulled them both up & that metal can was filled with pure water.
So I theorized that if I raised the water pump about (25) ft higher from the
bottom of the well, maybe I could get more pure water out of the well in lieu
of the iron water.
Meanwhile, he asked me to not talk to him for awhile so
he could concentrate on using his dowsing rods & find another better well
with little iron. He probably spent a good (45-50) min & finally told me:
there are a lot of different water flows on your property but I could not pick
out one that has little iron in it, so you'll have to depend on your pump # 2
for now until the commercially filtered water is brought into your property
maybe next yr. I thanked Flossie for his efforts & then reported this to
After that dowsing experience, I
was energized to start pulling the (100) ft deep pump & tubing lines up
& lay them out to begin the shorting process. That was, until I found out:
that pump & electrical wiring & tubing all weighed a bit more than I
expected. With Kathy's help, we brought up the tubing about (25) ft., & tied it
securely for now.
Still looking for something to bring pain & suffering to
myself, I started mowing the grass; that was until I fiddled with the self
driving mechanism. That took about (40) min of my time. It was close to
I won't explain my fumbling
troubleshooting process but I will admit that I caused the problem. It seems
that when I shut off the pump #1 electricity, I also shut off our 50 amp power
for the motorhome & it instantly switched to battery power. Kathy didn't realize
it & I was outside mowing. The batteries powered the air conditioning for @
least (1.5) hrs & then dropped off & whatever else she was using also lost
power. Switching on the correct outside circuit breaker brought everything back
to normal save for the battery charging; that took quite a long time due to a
regulated slow charge setup.
Dinner: Sirloin steak, a small baked potato,
broccoli, cauliflower, mixed fruit & cherries.
Late evening movie: "The
Courtship of Eddie's Father." We watched ½.
Lights out:
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